What is a Director of Instruction in Education?

A director of instruction in education will be responsible for different aspects of curriculum design, review and implementation. They will oversee the quality of instruction for online platforms and physical campuses. A director of instruction in education may implement strategies to improve outcome metrics, student satisfaction and teacher performance.

A School’s Curriculum Culture

Directors of instruction build school cultures that establish high expectations for respect, diversity and intellectual engagement. They help ensure safe and supportive environments for students and staff by focusing on productivity and structured activities. They model effective curriculum practices in team meetings and professional development events. They often assist school administrators in updating policies and procedures related to curriculum reviews, updates and compliance. They must make sure that their school meets state, federal and professional requirements. They establish and communicate the school’s curriculum vision and academic goals that are racially, culturally and socioeconomically sensitivity to diversity.

Data and Assessments

Instruction directors in education may organize, coordinate and oversee various subject assessments. These include math, science, technology and language arts. They are responsible for ensuring the accurate analysis and timely implementation of mandatory and voluntary school assessments. These objective evaluations usually focus on quality, performance and standard conformity. Instruction directors may gather, process and analyze academic data in order to make appropriate changes to strategic plans and curriculum designs. They often provide internal reports and interim updates on academic outcomes and curriculum challenges. They promote the ongoing improvement of academic interventions, differentiated instruction, growth identification and student achievements.

Curriculum Development

A director of instruction in education will support the school principal and district board in ensuring that instructional methodologies and curriculum implementation are aligned to Common Core Standards. This generally requires them to coordinate with education consultants and outside organizations to provide direction, establish protocols and designate resources for instructional support and curriculum development. They may sometimes create professional development opportunities for teachers to learn new academic models, leadership tools and improvement techniques. A director of instruction may be tasked with executing a school-wide update of academic books and materials. These projects may be completed during the summer holiday in preparation for the coming year.

Teacher Coaching

Instruction directors sometimes work with teacher coaches in order to ensure that all staff are engaged in thoughtful instruction and rigorous academic practices. They may provide daily, weekly and ad hoc coaching support to teachers and their assistants. Their goal is to improve instructional teaching practices through classroom observation, constructive feedback, individualized coaching and enforced accountability. They must always strive to ensure that all teachers are learning and performing well, so there are no gaps in student achievements among schools or subgroups. In order to accomplish this, they often provide a wide variety of learning opportunities for teachers that focus on everything from effective planning to targeted instruction to classroom culture.

Related Resource: What Jobs are in Curriculum Design?

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited higher learning institution will be required. A specialized Master’s degree will be preferred. Employers will most likely want a minimum of three to five years of teaching or staff development experience.